Sunday, January 10, 2010

Energized Boys

On Saturday I met up with "C" at the beach to take photos of her handsome little boys. They are just that too, BOYS! Nari(the older one) was great to get his photos done, but little Poppie didn't want anything to do with me. They were all about throwing the rocks in the water and trying to explore and find new things. It was definitely a challenge trying to get them to both look at me at the same time or to even sit still for a few seconds. They were too cute though and I had lots of fun with them. Thanks "C" for giving me the opportunity to photograph your children. Enjoy your preview!


  1. These are BEAUTIFUL! What handsome little guys!

  2. Wow they look amazing. I can't wait to see the other!!! You did a wonderful job. Thanks so much!!!



All Photos and Text © copyright of Kristi James Photography and must not be saved, taken, used or altered in anyway or will be punishable by the law.
Background Texture Created by Rita of CoffeeShop