Sunday, August 16, 2009

No Vacation for Me!

Well me and my children were supposed to take a 30 day vacation back to Utah, but there haven't been any available seats on the Patriot Express lately. I tried on the 8th and the 15th and came home unsuccessful. My hubby is in Twentynine Palms training and we thought this would be a great chance for us to do a mini vacation and we would get to see new family members, old family members and old friends. We were all pretty excited. I was going to be able to take my good friend Ashley's maternity pictures, my cousin's wedding pictures and many many many more. I'm pretty bummed. So instead of vacation, I am going to start doing sessions again starting August 24th. School starts soon so don't forget to "Let Me Capture You". Have a WONDERFUL remainder of your summer.

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