Let me know your opinion on the look of the background..too much or just right? Leave it in a comment on one of the posts :) HAVE A FANTASTIC NIGHT!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm booking for February and March! Oh...and take a look at the updated blog page! Looks good huh? Give me a call to book your appointment or contact me through my website :) 080-4125-3967
Have a FANTASTIC Holiday Weekend!
This little guy was from a recent session...The Ford Children

Monday, January 11, 2010
I have told you before that I would be switching from memory cards to prints soon, well the time is here! Old pricing and packages are no longer available and New Sessions and pricing takes effect immediately! I am so excited about this and this brings Kristi James Photography to a whole new level. Enjoy and take a look!

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Energized Boys
On Saturday I met up with "C" at the beach to take photos of her handsome little boys. They are just that too, BOYS! Nari(the older one) was great to get his photos done, but little Poppie didn't want anything to do with me. They were all about throwing the rocks in the water and trying to explore and find new things. It was definitely a challenge trying to get them to both look at me at the same time or to even sit still for a few seconds. They were too cute though and I had lots of fun with them. Thanks "C" for giving me the opportunity to photograph your children. Enjoy your preview!

Saturday, January 9, 2010
Radiant Mother to Be
Today I had the opportunity to photograph Amanda who is just glowing! We were so happy to wake up to a nice sunny blue day instead of rain like last night. She brought along friend Leah to help out with outfit changes. Amanda was so radiant and beautiful. There is something about pregnancy that just makes you literally glow. She is 36 weeks along and will welcome Baby A to the world soon. We also had two little furry creatures following us around just about the whole time. Amanda and Leah named them Sushi and Sake. Thank you Amanda for letting me share this time with you. Enjoy your preview.

Monday, December 28, 2009
This past Sunday I was able to photograph the cutest bunch of kids. Alix, Aja and Bang. The girls were so full of life and sure did come to this photo shoot prepared. They were ready to be the models. They were so cute. Little Bang had never been to the beach before and was so curious about the water and the sand. He just learned to walk and was literally running from us to check everything out. He was a bit unstable and fell in the sand alot, but didn't care at all. He was determined. Thanks mom for letting me photograph your adorable, fun children. Enjoy your preview.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Baby Heidi
Yesterday I got to go help Anya photograph this little beauty! She was so precious and I wanted to take her home. I definitely need another little one. MMmmm.... A huge thanks to Anya for teaching me!

Saurer Family
This last weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph my awesome neighbors!!! These guys moved in a little while ago and were so kind and awesome from the beginning! I love when that happens. Jacob plays with my boys, so it was nice to know him before we even went. We froze our behinds off though. They were so good and did the photos anyway! Thanks Saurer Family for giving me the chance to photograph your AWESOME family!

Monday, December 21, 2009
Ortensie Family
And yet... another session from this weekend. I actually met this family through a friend of mine. When they moved here she got us to meet( just over the internet at first cuz I'm always so dang busy). I finally got to meet them in person and they are such a cute family! Ciara is such a cutie pie. She is full of it too! She told us that Belle and Cinderella were in the ocean and we needed to help them out. She read me stories and everything. They did awesome for how COLD AND WINDY it was. It was a freezing morning and they stuck it out and got the picture done. Thanks guys for letting me take your photos.

Sunday, December 20, 2009
Jude Family
This morning I had the opportunity to photograph a family that looked like they came right out of a magazine! Such a beautiful family!!! I enjoyed them sooo much! Baby "C" was so dang adorable. I just wanted to kiss his cheekies and squeeze them. They were all such troopers in this freezing cold weather we are having. I also had fellow photographer Anya join me for this session. It was fun to have someone else with me. A & E I hope you enjoy your preview!!

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All Photos and Text © copyright of Kristi James Photography and must not be saved, taken, used or altered in anyway or will be punishable by the law.