Sunday morning I had the opportunity to photograph this beautiful family! They were so fun and I think made me laugh more than I made them laugh. They were great! I thought is was only my 5 year old that didn't like pictures, but it seems that other 5 years don't like it either, so that makes me feel a little better :) Martin family enjoy your preview!!!

On Saturday was little "P"'s 2nd birthday party. It was a pajama birthday party! It was the cutest idea ever! I had so much fun. Enjoy the previews mom!

Saturday morning I wasn't sure this session was going to happen. It had literally poured rain all night up until about an hour and a half before the session. We were so thankful that it stopped raining just long enough for us to finish. And on top of that the sky wasn't even gray during the session :) Mariah is a fellow photographer and asked me to do some maternity/couple photos for her. She won't have time for much soon with little Jack on the way! What a fun couple. So without further ado, Mariah I hope you enjoy your preview!!

On Saturday evening I photographed a gorgeous family with the same last name as me! The James Family! We had so much fun! Had a hard time getting little "C" to smile. We got a few though. These boys loved looking for sea glass in the sand. They are beach boys at heart. Mom and dad were equally fun. UP FOR ANYTHING!!! They were so natural and fun! I really enjoyed working with this family! So...Tracy and Mark....ENJOY YOUR PREVIEW!!

Okay, so this was one of the funnest sessions! Little "W" was so cute! He is so dang smart for his age. He was full of energy, but not too much. He was such a cheeser!! He cooperated so good!(No we didn't bribe him with candy LOL) This family was so photogenic. We had such a great time! Thanks guys for having fun! I hope you enjoy your preview!!

All Photos and Text © copyright of Kristi James Photography and must not be saved, taken, used or altered in anyway or will be punishable by the law.